What Happened to the Three Pigs on Piggyback Lane?

Stewart’s no rookie at dealing with and solving title and escrow issues of any scale, anywhere – even places one may consider magical. Our latest Magical Land Title Association case involves a few familiar characters in a unique real estate situation.

The Three Little Pigs have a wolfluencer problem on their hands (why this clumsy canine is trying to be a social influencer is a whole other story). So they’re selling their property and moving away from the wolf at their respective doors. One problem, that wolf has rearranged the location of said doors.

The Three Little Pigs Are Ready to Move Out | Stewart

As is known throughout the land, when you have a real estate transaction involving property that's, well, “unreal”, you turn to Stewart. No one else has the experience and expertise that we do when it comes to providing a happily ever after solution to such special transactions.

Three Little Pigs Email

The 3 Little Pigs Weren’t Scared, They Were Done | Stewart

As with any real estate transaction, there has to be a valid survey of the property on file. You have to keep in mind, though, that magical property transactions are highly specialized and can present unique challenges when it comes to surveying properties. You need someone who knows their way around the forest.

Three Little Pigs Direct Message

After all they endured, the Three Pigs weren’t afraid, they were done. So we know, that with our guidance, they’ll take care of the issues as laid out in their title commitment to get this transaction all the way to hog heaven.

Three Little Pigs Title Commitment

At Stewart, we have expertise in all aspects of real estate transactions. Discover how we create a magical experience for our customers, including homebuyers, sellers, real estate agents and more, by visiting stewart.com/home

Selling your house, too? Check out these helpful articles:

Get Your Move On: A Guide to Finalizing Your Move Out

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