Get Your Move On: A Guide to Finalizing Your Move Out

Get Your Move On: A Guide to Finalizing Your Move Out

Imagine this: You’ve just closed on the perfect next home but you’re unsure of how to tackle the big move. Lucky for you, the home will be move-in-ready in two months, so you have plenty of time to plan, right? The reality is that moving can be stressful. Whether you’re downsizing or moving into your first home, make the experience as seamless as possible by planning ahead with this timeline:

8 Weeks Before the Move: Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Whether it’s on fuel or movers, you can save on moving costs by getting rid of unwanted furniture prior to your move. Determine which unwanted pieces will be given to charity and which will be sold (hello, Facebook Marketplace).

If you’re planning on using a mover, get referrals from friends, online review sites and other resources like the Better Business Bureau®. Find a balance between your budget and the right fit. Keep in mind that many moving companies offer discounts related to organizations or veteran status.

Pro tip: Confirm mover credentials. Movers should be licensed and bonded, and their employees should have workers’ compensation insurance.

6 Weeks Before the Move: The Logistics

At this point, you should have a better idea of how much you’ll be taking to your new home. If you are moving yourself, determine how many boxes you will need and the size of the truck required by calculating the cubic feet of the boxes, plus that of large furniture pieces.

If you’re moving out of town or to a new community, request copies of your records from service providers such as doctors, dentists, vets, lawyers and utility companies. If you are a parent or a guardian, make arrangements to transfer your children’s school records.

4 Weeks Before the Move: Time to Purge

Packing is just a week away. Make sure to have storage ready, if needed. Clean or repair any furniture, carpets or curtains you’ll be taking. Now is also a great time to let go of things you don’t need and make some extra cash. Hold a garage sale before packing up the house.

Moving far? Make the necessary travel and hotel reservations a month out.

3 Weeks Before the Move: Pack It Up

Begin packing items you won’t need between now and your move. This includes important documents like passports, birth certificates and social security cards, vehicle registration, loan records, etc. Arrange to cancel utilities and services at your old home after you’ve moved, and make sure you have electricity and water turned on at your new home by the time you move in.

Packing materials to consider: boxes, bubble wrap, nylon packing string, old newspapers, scissors, rope, large self-stick labels, furniture pads, packing tape, utility knife and packing peanuts.

2 Weeks Before the Move: Share the News

Now is a great time to notify friends and family of your move if you haven’t done so already. Send out a fun postcard or e-mail! Complete a change-of-address documents with the U.S. Postal Service and update all personal accounts like prescriptions, online subscriptions, bank account, etc.

Moving far? Have your car checked and serviced for the trip to avoid the added stress of a surprise breakdown.

Parent tip: Arrange for a babysitter on moving day if you have small children to keep them safe and entertained so you can focus on the move. Same goes for pet parents!

2 Days Before the Move: The Final Preparation

It’s time to cross those Ts! Defrost your refrigerator and freezer so its ready for moving day. Have your movers begin packing and set aside valuables and legal documents, as well as first-day essentials like clothing, toiletries and cash.

Pro-tip: Try to get enough sleep before moving day comes. It’ll be a long day (maybe even a few) with a lot of moving parts. Be rested and ready to tackle it with full force.

Moving Day: You’ve Almost Made It!

The big day is finally here! Pick up the rental truck early if you’re moving yourself or carefully read the terms and conditions in your mover’s agreement before signing. You’ll want to keep the agreement on-hand until your goods are delivered to settle any charges or claims.

As you pack up, make a list of every item and box loaded into the truck. Check that no leave-behind appliances are still connected in your old house and inspect the attic and garage.

Finally, make sure all doors and windows are locked and secured.

Delivery Day: You Made It!

Check off all boxes and items as they come off the moving truck. Be on hand to answer questions, pay the driver, take care of last-minute problems and examine your goods. Make sure utilities are connected and that your new locks are installed.

And that’s it! Now the real task of settling in and organizing your home begins. We know change can be intimidating and uncomfortable but with the right resources and preparation, you can grab the bull by the horns and ace the journey to a new home.

Thinking about selling your home or buying a new one? Check out our Home Buyer and Seller page for useful resources to navigate your real estate journey, including mortgage calculators, useful real estate terms, tips on finding the right real estate agent, home buyer and seller timelines, the steps to closing and more.

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