Stewart India

Technology Center of Stewart India

Our technology experience of real-estate industry goes back to over three decades which has helped us to build and keep robust teams in the title insurance arena. As a result, our technology teams are now capable of coping with almost any technology challenge. We started with application development and then expanded into telecom and networks, application support and independent quality assurance areas. On top of that, our geographical location and regional market positions us to be able to provide services to our main office in Houston, TX during both business and off-hours.

Our technology forte, passion and customer-oriented mindset delivers an optimum blend of everything needed from an offshore operation.

Continuous human development is our key focus where we provide several training opportunities to our associates to keep them at par with emerging technologies and trends. It is part of their annual performance goals on which they are evaluated on. We have a strong belief that growth of our associates is the corner stone of organizational growth. This growth, together with our professional and associate friendly environment has helped us not only in attracting talent from the market but also develop cohesive teams.

For most projects, we follow the Agile Scrum Methodology. Our project teams get opportunities to interact with Stewart’s US teams and its clients for collecting, analyzing and understanding business requirements. These clients usually include:

Application Development

Stewart India has established itself as a trusted partner in application development since it has been providing such services from its inception back in 28th February 2022. Title insurance business domain has become our core strength. Since last two decades we have successfully completed many application development projects for Stewart ranging from web and desktop development, mobile development, database development and optimizations, content management systems, CRMs, ERPs, Title and Escrow systems etc. Some of these projects are listed below:

  • AIM+
  • WIMS
  • SureClose
  • Stewart Access
  • Agency & STIC CRMs
  • Lawson
  • Management Console
  • StewartHub
  • ResWare (Integrations)
  • StewartNow (Mobile App)
  • AIM for Windows (AFW)
  • eCards
  • Special Alerts
  • eRecording
  • Title Search
  • Orders Gateway
  • Underwriter Apps
  • Land Record Management System
  • SLS (Stewart Lender Services) Portal

The long-term vision for Stewart India is to continue to expand its services both horizontally and vertically and help Stewart in becoming the most admired real-estate services company.

Quality Assurance

Software automation has now become a vital part of software testing and this is the best way to ensure stability, reliability and sustainability of software applications. Organizations are more focused towards reducing testing time and ensuring quick delivery.

Automation team is performing regression, smoke, business and functional testing on multiple projects using out of the box Microsoft technologies. Team has also achieved continuous build integration and continuous testing and further trying to mature it across Stewart applications.

To support the infrastructure team, The automation team is validating multiple applications after every server patch upgrade for all lower and production environments in lesser time than it used to take with manual approach. Under AutoVal project following applications have been covered so far:

  • Stewart Access Siebel Core
  • Stewart Access Portal
  • Stewart Access Express
  • AIM+ SWP
  • AIM+ TWP
  • SureClose ScanPoint
  • SureClose Advantage
  • SureClose Document Reviewer
  • ESB - ResWare (CTS)
  • ESB
  • ResWare - E2E
  • SureClose Branding
  • SureClose WebServices
  • Stewart Online

In addition to AutoVal (smoke tests), team is also working on the regression coverage for the following applications:

Performance Testing

Performance testing is non-functional testing that ensures applications are stable, reliable, scalable, and meet the agreed Service Level Agreement response time. Our performance testing team uses industry leading tools and technologies to identify, isolate and report the performance related issues in applications. This helps development and infrastructure teams to fix these issues before they start impacting the end users and daily business operations.

  • ResWare High Availability Project
  • ResWare Load & Performance Testing
  • Stewart Access Web Portal
  • Data Encryption POC
  • Data Encryption Implementation (ResWare, SureClose, Legal Files, ECM)
  • ECM (Enterprise Content Management)
  • WIMS
  • AIM+
  • ESB / PAPI
  • Core Logic to Data Trace
  • WCMS / AEM 6.3 Upgrade
  • Rate Lock
  • SureClose – F5 to Netscaler Change

Manual Testing

A robust set of Stewart SDLC processes are firmly followed. This ensures that each and every deliverable is reviewed and approved by the QA team. The primary objective of the QA processes is to enhance the overall quality of the product and help in getting the acceptance sign-off from the customer. Consequently, the QA teams are introduced early on in the SDLC process to understand business requirements and remain engaged throughout the project lifecycle.

Our team members seamlessly and effectively coordinate with on-shore test leads and associates.

Telecom and Network Operations Support

Stewart India has started providing remote network and telecom operational support to 400+ Stewart sites all over the US which are connected to the Head office in Houston for their day-to-day operations. Our telecom team works round-the-clock to help with any upgrades, outages and other technical issues where the turnaround time is extremely critical for the success of the Stewart’s business.

The team delivers the following set of services:

Enterprise Application Support

Our Enterprise Application Support team manages 2nd and 3rd level support of many enterprise applications running at Stewart. These include financial systems, Title & Escrow, ERP, CRM, and other data management systems.

This team interacts with the end-users to investigate the problem and then work till the resolution either by themselves or through escalating them to the relevant teams within Stewart. Their day-to-day tasks pertain to dealing with end-users, debugging the code, investigating and fixing data related issues and automation of repetitive tasks to improve efficiency.

We also manage a help desk (Stewart I Need Help) which listens to anyone from the organization who either failed to get timely help from somebody or they don’t know where to get help from. They hold a central position in this regard where they coordinate with various teams and escalate the issue to the right one and then follow it up through the resolution of the issue. In short, their quick turnaround time and prompt services save time and hassle for many Stewart internal and external customers.